Sutrisno Hartana

Dalang (Javanese shadow puppeteer)

Richmond, BC


Sutrisno Hartana (Sute Loushi) is an arts educator, ethnomusicologist, researcher, and performer of gamelan and wayang (Indonesian puppetry) in North America. He has completed his doctoral degree in Art History and Visual Studies at the University of Victoria in Canada. He hold a MA in Ethnomusicology from the University of British Columbia in Canada. As a Javanese performing artist, he graduated his bachelor degree from the Indonesian Institute of Arts in Yogyakarta, Java. In 2004, the King of Paku Alaman garnered him the title “Mas Lurah Lebda Swara” making him a court musician at the Paku Alaman Palace in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. He has toured/performed/taught internationally in both traditional and contemporary performances throughout Asia, Europe, and North America. Sutrisno has taught at School for the Contemporary Arts Simon Fraser University, and the University of British Columbia, in Vancouver, BC, Canada, as well as at Ningbo University in China.

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UNIMA West is the Western Canadian Centre of UNIMA Canada, which is itself a National Centre of UNIMA International.

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UNIMA West is supported in part by fiscal agent Canadian Academy of Mask and Puppetry (CAMP).