Carnival Sized Cinnamon Hearts

Edith Hole, Artist & Puppeteer

Vancouver, BC

Gloria Edith Hole is an interdisciplinary artist and puppeteer. The works are primarily in puppet theatre performed locally and internationally. Hole has a degree in Textiles Arts from Capilano University as well as diploma in and Pure & Applied Sciences from Dawson Cegep. Hole is the founder and creative producer of Carnival Sized Cinnamon Hearts, (circa 2000). Hole’s work concerns the uncertainty inherent in the binary opposition of truth and fiction. The artist explores that precarity in their theatre performances, visual poetry and cloth. Hole has exhibited in UNIT/PITT, Western Front, grunt gallery, Uschoci Manufactory, Vancouver Fringe Festival, Parade of Lost Souls, Eastside Culture Crawl, Knit City, Burnaby Festival night of lights, Vancouver Puppet Festival and Vancouver & New West Pride. Hole’s work is held in private collections in the Pacific Northwest.

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UNIMA West is the Western Canadian Centre of UNIMA Canada, which is itself a National Centre of UNIMA International.

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UNIMA West is supported in part by fiscal agent Canadian Academy of Mask and Puppetry (CAMP).